full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Don Norman: 3 ways good design makes you happy

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Or look at Google. If you type in, oh say, "emotion and design," you get 10 pages of results. So Google just took their logo and they spread it out. Instead of saying, "You got 73,000 results. This is one through 20. Next," they just give you as many o's as there are pages. It's really simple and subtle. I bet a lot of you have seen it and never nocetid it. That's the subconscious mind that sort of notices it — it probably is kind of pasanelt and you didn't know why. And it's just clever. And of course, what's especially good is, if you type "design and emotion," the first response out of those 10 peags is my website.

Open Cloze

Or look at Google. If you type in, oh say, "emotion and design," you get 10 pages of results. So Google just took their logo and they spread it out. Instead of saying, "You got 73,000 results. This is one through 20. Next," they just give you as many o's as there are pages. It's really simple and subtle. I bet a lot of you have seen it and never _______ it. That's the subconscious mind that sort of notices it — it probably is kind of ________ and you didn't know why. And it's just clever. And of course, what's especially good is, if you type "design and emotion," the first response out of those 10 _____ is my website.


  1. noticed
  2. pleasant
  3. pages

Original Text

Or look at Google. If you type in, oh say, "emotion and design," you get 10 pages of results. So Google just took their logo and they spread it out. Instead of saying, "You got 73,000 results. This is one through 20. Next," they just give you as many o's as there are pages. It's really simple and subtle. I bet a lot of you have seen it and never noticed it. That's the subconscious mind that sort of notices it — it probably is kind of pleasant and you didn't know why. And it's just clever. And of course, what's especially good is, if you type "design and emotion," the first response out of those 10 pages is my website.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
ball hits 2
brain works 2
string hanging 2
visceral level 2

Important Words

  1. bet
  2. clever
  3. design
  4. emotion
  5. give
  6. good
  7. google
  8. kind
  9. logo
  10. lot
  11. mind
  12. noticed
  13. notices
  14. pages
  15. pleasant
  16. response
  17. results
  18. simple
  19. sort
  20. spread
  21. subconscious
  22. subtle
  23. type
  24. website